New Member Class with Rev. Lucas Tribble

1:00-2:00 PM | Sep. 8 | 3 Weeks | If you are new to the church, this class is a helpful introduction to learning about FUMC, history, polity, theology, and how to live out the membership vows that you made!


Disciple I with Rev. Lucas Tribble, Lydia Allen, and Baker Allen

6:00-7:30 PM | Sep. 9 | 34 Weeks | Journey from Genesis to Revelation, beginning to end, in this foundational course, providing a support system as you study and ask questions of the scriptures. This study has launched ministries, shaped teachers and leaders, and is a class all members should take! Whether you are new to the faith or if you have taken the course several times or wherever you fall in between, this journey is one that you will love as you grow in faith and discipleship!


Men's Fellowship Breakfast and Bible Study organized by Blair Bingham

7:00-7:45 PM | Ongoing | Join together to study the week’s Lectionary passages over a cup of coffee and a biscuit. A clergy and lay teacher rotation of Dr. Jay Cooper, Bishop Lawson Bryan, Rev. Lucas Tribble, Blair Bingham, Brad Norris, Baker Allen, and Ed Reifenberg leads scripture-centered conversations that get your day started right!

The General Epistles with Brad Norris

12:00-1:00 PM | Sep. 10 | 8 Weeks | We often read letters from Paul in church, but Paul is not the only New Testament letter writer. In this study where we will use Immersion Bible Studies by Rev. Michael E. Williams, we will study James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude as we see the words come to life and how they can impact us daily.

195 Years of God's Blessings, The History of First UMC with John Bell and Collier Neeley

5:30-7:00 PM | Sep. 10 | 5 Weeks | Knowing your church history is not just about the past – it’s about connecting with our faith at a deeper level, drawing lessons from history, and applying those lessons to our present Christian walk and to the future of our beloved church. Our Church Historian and the Executive Director of the Landmarks Foundation of Montgomery, who also serves as one of our church Lay Members, lead this study that is sure to enrich your life, membership, and discipleship here at FUMC.


People of the Book: Christianity, Judaism, and the Bible with Dr. Jason Borders

6:10-7:00 PM | Aug. 28 | 10 Weeks | So, what is the Bible anyway? Two religions, in particular, seem to think they know! For centuries, Christianity and Judaism have not only shaped but also used the Bible as a primary source of revelation and inspiration. With a bit of a “World Religions” class feel, we’ll tackle the Book and the people who revere it.

Mom's Connect with April Sullivan

6:00 - 7:00 PM | Sep. 11 | Ongoing | Study scripture, tackle the hard questions together that come up when raising children, and act as a community of love and support for one another.


Go to Know Study with Dr. Jay Cooper

Times/Days will vary | Thursday, Sep. 5, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM (Initial Meeting) | 12 Weeks | Alabama State University President, Quinton Ross, inspired members of our church that the best way to be a neighbor is to know one’s neighbor. We must go-to-know our neighbors and to see what God is doing in our community. This course takes a fresh approach to studying the scriptures, as participants will visit several of our church’s community partners, and some of Dr. Cooper’s favorite places in the city.

First United Methodist Church

2416 West Cloverdale Park, Montgomery, Alabama 36106 Map