First United Methodist Church delights in proclaiming and showing the good news of God’s love to all people. We work to make a difference here in the U.S. and globally through various mission trips, serving in such areas as medical, construction, and Vacation Bible School. We also support many mission efforts, both within the church and out in the community.
Serve Throughout the Year:
Construction Ministry – These volunteers help with building Habitat for Humanity houses and other missional construction opportunities.
Disaster Relief – These volunteers sign up to be trained and serve in debris clean-up and other tasks needed when an event like a hurricane, tornado, or another type of disaster occurs.
Fix-It Shop – This ministry takes things that are broken and in need of repair and restores them. If you have something broken, you can bring it in to the Fix-It Shop to be mended. They like a good challenge. And if you are handy, you can sign up to be a part of the Fix-It team.
Respite Ministry – Respite is a ministry that provides care for persons living with dementia and Alzheimer’s while providing a break for their caregivers. It meets Tuesday – Thursday from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Volunteers help to lead games, set up lunch, lead singing in worship, and so much more to provide a loving community for those living with these diseases.
Tutoring – We have a long-term relationship with various local schools and community partners.
Gift Hope – Gift Hope is a yearly event that raises funds for local non-profit organizations at Christmastime. It allows families to give a nontraditional gift to a loved one that honors them by supporting a meaningful local non-profit. Each year volunteers are needed to help execute all the different facets of the event.
Rise Against Hunger – Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives, and responding to emergencies. This is a yearly ministry opportunity offered to people of all ages and capabilities. We package meals together that are then sent to those who are in need.
Fall Bazaar for Missions – Each year the FUMC Womens’ Fall Bazaar committee spearheads a two-part Fall Bazaar, the proceeds of which support local women and children. It begins with a mum sale in October followed by an online and in-person Bazaar in November, featuring cheese straws, roasted pecans, soups, mocha cakes, other homemade goodies, as well as seasonal items. We welcome the help of all women of the church (and men, too!) in cooking, baking, organizing, setting up, and selling items!
Domestic Mission Trips – FUMC engages in a variety of domestic adult mission trips, working with partner agencies to determine a location and services needed. The main projects are then chosen by the skills of those in the group. From construction to teaching Bible lessons to children, there is a role for anyone willing to serve. The youth serve on a domestic mission trip every other year. One of their biggest needs for these trips is financial support and prayer partners. By supporting the youth through these avenues, you can also be part of the mission experience.