First United Methodist Church is truly blessed by caring people like you who share their time, talents, and love with others. Thank you for being one of the special people who make this church a joyful place where Christ is seen and felt in every ministry. To provide the safest environment possible, FUMC has adopted Safe Sanctuaries Guidelines and Policies which are mandated by the United Methodist Church. Safe Sanctuaries is dedicated to reducing the risk of abuse within the church and is designed to offer protection to children, youth, vulnerable adults, volunteers and employees alike. Training in these policies is required for everyone working with children and we are happy to provide online training for your convenience. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: Click below to watch the 30-minute training video. After watching, please read and electronically sign, date, and submit the form found below the video frame. I know this may be a refresher for many of you. Thank you for staying current and helping to protect the church and everyone who enters.
My electronic signature below:
o Verifies that I have viewed the Alabama West-Florida Conference Safe Sanctuaries video provided to me through First United Methodist Church, Montgomery, Alabama, or listened to the podcast provided by the Alabama West-Florida Conference.
o Verifies that I understand the Two Adult Rule and recognize it as a core principle regarding the supervision of children, youth and vulnerable adults.
Two Adult Rule: a minimum of two adults who are not related to each other should be utilized in all programming with children, youth, and at-risk or vulnerable adults. However, when unfeasible to staff at buildings and outdoor areas with two non-related adults, there should be at least an additional adult serving as a floater with visual and physical access to all areas where such programming occurs. Visual and physical access means either an open door or door with a window provides a line of sight enabling the floater to see into a room or other building space and to see fully outdoor sites where covered activities or events take place.
o Verifies that I will follow the Safe Sanctuaries Policies of First United Methodist Church, Montgomery, Alabama. The full Safe Sanctuaries Policies document may be found here.