What is Gift Hope, who is sponsoring it, and why is it being held?
This is a Christmas-time event to raise funds for 29 River Region nonprofits and to educate the community about the work these organizations do. The FUMC Church and Society Ministry Team has organized this one-stop shopping opportunity to purchase specified services in the name of individuals you wish to honor with a non-conventional gift. Rather than buying a new necktie or scarf for friends, family members, or co-workers, the “shopper” underwrites specific needs suggested by the nonprofit(s) – for example, a week’s worth of hot meals for an elderly couple in need, medical supplies, or one night’s shelter for a homeless family. Gifts are available at a variety of price points from $5 to $50. You can also just give an undesignated personal donation to your favorite charity on the line labeled “Other.” In a very real sense, the gift you will give will be a GIFT OF HOPE!
The “shopper” receives a card and envelope to complete and give to the gift recipient announcing the gift/gifts in the recipient’s honor and the name and services of the nonprofit. FUMC is offering this event as a witness to our Christian faith, but any person who wishes to support these community organizations is welcome to participate. What better way to celebrate the holiday season than caring for each other in our community!
How can I shop and make donations?
Online Shopping from through December 11
Visit the shopping page on this website. There are program descriptions and 45-second videos about each of the 29 organizations. “Gifts” can be purchased (donations made) online. Cards, envelopes, and printed descriptions of the agencies selected will be mailed to you. You can also request to pick them up at the church. We are not responsible for slow mail delivery. Order early!
Financial Details: Is my donation tax-deductible?
The short answer is YES! 100% of your donation goes to your designated nonprofit. The Church and Society Ministry Team of FUMC underwrites the entire administrative costs of Gift Hope as an expression of our faith and commitment to community service. These nonprofits are also acting as the hands and feet of Christ’s work in our community.
Your donation is tax-deductible. For church members, it will appear on your financial account (even though the Church will forward the funds to the nonprofit). The church and the agencies will also send tax deduction verification to you in January 2024, if your address is provided.
Gift Hope is sponsored by the Church & Society Ministry Team at First United Methodist Church of Montgomery, Alabama.